Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Are you curious?

If you're curious watch out this video
...Sit down and enjoy

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our Visit to Golden Harvest

On Thursday 22nd April 2010 we went to Golden Harvest Bread Factory.

The factory is really big and we saw the process how bread is made.
We had to wear blue hats for hygiene reasons.

Here are some pictures we took during the outing.

Reading for pleasure - Our Visit to the Farm

Last week our class went on a visit to a farm.

We went by a coach.

On the coach we sang songs.

When we got to the farm we saw lots of animals.

First we saw some small lambs. Their wool was white and curly.

Next we saw some baby chicks. Their feathers were yellow and fluffy.

Then we had a picnic in a big barn and sat on some straw.

The bit I liked best was when out teacher stood in a cow pat!

Energy saving Campaign

On the 14th April we had a small activity in our school hall. We played snakes and ladders with a difference. This time round we had thunders instead of snakes and energy saving bulbs instead of ladders. It was an enjoyable learning experience. Small things count...switch off the lights when ready:)